Friday, May 4, 2012

About Me

My name is Sarah or to those who have known me longer than most gen y'ers have been alive, I am 'Baggy' - theres a long story attached to that which we won't go into here! :-)

I have always been a fairly sporty active sort of person - I cycle to work every day, walk everywhere, play tennis and badminton, go to the gym, I've paraglided, skydived and hiked the Inca trail twice and trekked the snowman trail in Bhutan. I also love my food and wine and love cooking, so its just as well i do all that other stuff!

But as happens to the best of us, life sometimes gets a bit hectic, stuff crops up or assumes a higher priority than going to the gym because its 'just this once - it wont matter if I miss 1 session', your focus is on your career or family or relationship or whatever it is and gradually the exercise intensity/frequency sort of drops off and becomes more of a chore, but your lifestyle doesn't change and slowly but surely....the jeans have gotten bigger and the belt goes out a notch or three, and the racing frocks don't quite look as svelte as the ladies in the fashions on the field contest and then you start seeing photos that couldn't possibly be you...

so when in early 2009 I joined a new gym and did a fitness assessment - I was horrified!
Standing just 5'3'' (163cm) I weighed in at 76kg...76KG!! with a body fat count of 36% !!!!



Now that didn't really kick me into high gear (it didn't???), sure I started working out a bit more, added a bootcamp session to the tennis and badminton and started bikram yoga, but there wasn't really much change - it didn't really help that I would generally cook my main meal for about 8:30 - 9pm when my partner got home from work and it would always be man sized and there would always be mash or pasta or rice involved!
I think in about 8 months I lost a single solitary 1kg....hmm...something not working here!

September 2009 was probably the turning point, newly single, and in a new house by myself I began to get into a routine that was more dictated by what my body was telling me it wanted or felt like - getting up when its light, cycling to the gym, eating when I was hungry instead of waiting until a particular time, eating less carbs so I didn't feel fat so often, lots more veggies and definately drinking less wine - my former partner was in the wine trade so there was always something yummy kicking around which it would be a crime to waste...  :-)
I also decided that I was going to climb Mt Aconcagua in Jan 2010. This was a goal I'd set myself to do before I was 40, but already having turned 40 and only having left myself 4 months to get from (for me) hideously unfit to super fit I didn't feel that it was realistically achievable without doing myself some damage.
Instead I decided to delay Mt Aconcagua until 2011 and instead have a crack at Mt Kilimanjaro this year (like you do...).
This would serve 4 purposes, firstly, it would be a bit of a test to see how I would handle the altitude. I've been to 5200m in Bhutan and Mt Aconcagua  is 6900m, Mt Kilimanjaro fits nicely halfway at nearly 6000m. Secondly because I can, thirdly it would give me plenty of time to build up my base fitness, before starting on my significantly harder trek preparation fitness and 4thly, and probably most importantly, because high altitude trekking is something I absolutely love doing, but hadn't done for 8 years whilst I was in a relationship... 

 I really needed to find myself again.

You can see what training I've been doing and how my preparation is going in my other blog 'Countdown to Kili'

Ok thats all well and good, but what does it have to do with Biosignature Modulation? In the course of doing all this training I have since October 2009 lost 19 kg - as of this week (July 2010) I'm down to a very tidy 57kg, body fat 17.1%

Check out these jeans!!

Suddenly shopping has become a whole lot more fun now that I can walk into any shop and pick up any size 8 dress, skirt, blouse, even jeans! and they just fit!!! OMG!
I still can't quite get my head around it..I'm like a kid in a candy store...sorry wandering off track :-)

Ok where were we?

I'm now very fit and healthy - had a full blood assessment 3 weeks ago, everything is in tip top shape, cholesterol and glucose levels have dropped a fair bit since my previous test in nov 2009. I've made incredible progress by using my own judgement and now have a beautiful strong little body which I am justifiably proud of.

The best analogy I can come up with it that I am the diamond that has been shaped and now it is just getting its final polish to bring out its full brilliance....

You see having lost a significant amount of weight, there are still bits that aren't as toned and taught as I would like them to be - remember dicko telling one of the contestants on Idol to cover up her 'tuck shop lady arms'? well thats me.
And 'Cankles'? yeah me again
And everybody knows you shouldn't show your knees when you're over 40....yep know why
And it would be really nice to have a butt like Kylie or Elle....who wouldn't? (unless you're a bloke maybe..)

Enter Biosignature. 

You've probably never heard of Biosignature modulation - well until about 2 months ago neither had I. It wasn't until I was talking to an ex SAS army officer and personal trainer who I met at a conference and asked him how to sort out the baggy bits, he suggested I get a Biosignature Assessment done....

(cue chirping cricket noises and loud silence)

So I did some googling and here's what its about:

The novel concept of BioSignature was developed by world-renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin after noticing trends and correlations while working with athletes for nearly 30 years. BioSignature is a system based on scientific evidence that where people store their body fat is an indication of their hormonal profile.

This means that your body fat levels and corresponding imbalanced hormones can be effectively managed through a combination of diet, exercise, a targeted supplementation program, and lifestyle modifications. PPC trained BioSignature practitioners will develop that plan for you based on YOUR unique biological signature. This means FASTER results and FEWER supplements than is possible with the industry's typically more random and haphazard approach.

here's some other good sites:

Ok, I'm convinced, lets give it a try. After more googling to find qualified practitioners in Melbourne, my search has led me to Katrina Eden
As it turns out I'd read Kats book about clean eating probably 3 months ago, but for some reason, maybe I skipped the biography section, but I had not connected Kat with Biosignature...doh!

So I'm signed up and off and running...head on over to the next page and watch this diamond being discovered!


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